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Submission Guidelines:

*MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTED - Please be patient with us as we reform our business structure to better serve our community.*

WHEN can you submit?  

  • Magazine submissions are accepted twice yearly: the first period from February 15th to March 15th with a July publication, and the second from July 15th to August 15th with a December publication. 

WHAT DO we accept?  

  • Poetry/Fictional Prose
  • Photography
  • Book Chapter Teases (Chapter 1)
  • Art
  • Small Business/Entrepreneur Plugs
  • Previously published work (but prefer unpublished)
  • Simultaneous submissions

WHAT do we NOT accept?

  • Anonymous submissions
  • Manuscripts
  • Any work containing misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, xenophobia, or mention of any type of sexual harassment. 
  • Plagiarism
  • AI-generated work
  • Work that does not include any relevant Content Warnings or Triggers in your submission (I.E., victim POV sexual assault, eating disorders, trauma). Your piece does not have to be PG-13, but it does have to be respectful of our editors & readers.

HOW do you submit?

  • Currently, we accept submissions for MyrtleHaus Magazine (a bi-annual luxury-length literary/art mag) and Dahlia Zine. To submit, please specify by emailing us at myrtlehausmag@gmail.com with the subject line being, "MyrtleHaus Magazine Submission", or "Dahlia Zine Submission". 
  • Please attach all submissions to emails in a .doc/.docx format. PDF is also accepted if you'd like us to see a specific format. Poems should be detached from any photos. Please do not include photos in documents, they're a pain in the a** to detach!  If you send in a photography AND poetry submission, please specify if you would like them to be formatted together. 
  • YOU ARE ABLE TO SUBMIT MULTIPLE MEDIA AT ONCE FOR THE MAGAZINE AND ZINE. For example, you are able to submit photography and poetry in the same email for the magazine or zine. You do not need to separate these.
  • PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR PRONOUNS IN YOUR SUBMISSION! I want to respect them and want my readers to as well.
  • Please include a brief third-person bio, as well as a cover note (at least a half page in first person) introducing yourself and your relationship with your art! I want my readers to feel like they know you whenever they read/view your work.
  • This is not required but preferred: please include 2-3 images OF YOURSELF that can be posted on the website and potentially published in the magazine or on inside covers. These images should be high resolution and the photographer MUST be credited (name and social media tag).
  • Please include a link to your social media (so that people can find your art).
  • If you are submitting portrait photography, PLEASE CREDIT YOUR MODELS!

If you are accepted for publication, please wait 6 months before submitting again.

Submission requirements for MyrtleHaus Magazine are extensive because we want to provide the best experience for our readers to get to know you and other artists. Our goal is to showcase you and your work, which requires lots of information!

Please understand that if your submission is missing any of the required components, it will not be considered.

Submission Specifications:

  • POETRY: Please submit between 3-5 poems with no word or page limit. Please specify if you have special formatting requests (I.E., all lowercase for aesthetic purposes).
  • PROSE: Please send up to 3 pieces 2000 words or less.
  • PHOTOGRAPHY: Please send 3-8 HIGH-RESOLUTION .jpg images with a DPI suitable for an 8x11 magazine no lower than 1000px.


  • Please include in the subject bar "ZINE SUBMISSION - {YOUR NAME}".
  • Please include your pronouns.
  • Please include 2-4 photos, mixed-media prints, or poems of your own making.
  • Please include a short 3rd-person bio.
  • Please include a link to your social media (so that people can find your art).



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Using Format